Day 2

Day 2: June 25, 2019
            Today the students visited the Shipowner’s Association in Oslo. Throughout the duration of the day the students listened to nine very experienced speakers in the Maritime Industry. A plethora of the information that the students received was new information about the specialized field. To begin the day, we got a brief background of the history of the Oslo’s chapter of the Norwegian Shipowner’s Association. The topics discussed during the first half of the day included Maritime Economics and the Norwegian Maritime Cluster – an innovation driven journey through structural changes (from Erik Jakobsen, Menon Economics AS), and the global climate challenge reaching the IMO 2050 target. 

            After the three hours of presentations we got a break for lunch. Lunch was quite a surprise for many of us. When we heard that we were getting sandwiches we were thinking maybe a turkey club, however, these sandwiches had raw shrimp on them and they eat open faced sandwiches with only one piece of bread! Luckily, for the non-seafood eating students there was roast beef with potato salad underneath the meat on the sandwich. 

   Once lunch concluded the students listened to presentations for the last three hours. The first presentation after lunch was a Maritime Forum: Ensuring Norway remains a maritime superpower. The following presentations included the various Maritime Career paths and the change of operational cooperation experience from sea. The cadets learned that the Maritime cluster needs employees who have worked at sea in order to meet the labor demand and expertise within 2030. Finally, to end the day experts from industry startup companies discussed their roles in the industry. The students learned about a data driven energy efficiency company (Yxney), a silent whale watching company (Brim Explorer) and the cadets learned about how these companies evolve. 
            The day was filled with lots of information, and heavy eyes as everybody is still getting acclimated to the time difference here in Norway.  

Students boarding the big pink bus to Oslo


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